Center for Parental
(Print form, complete, and mail back to CPR
Name: Date of FIRST PHONE Intake: __________________
Time/Length of Phone Intake:
you: married
divorced divorce in process parent out of wedlock other
you: custodial
parent non-custodial parent grandparent
other/friend/second spouse other don’t know
Mailing Address: (street, city, state, zip) –
this is used to link people to legislative areas
Phone: Home __________________________________ Cell
(INCLUDE area code -- we prefer to not call people at work – we call
people to remind them of meetings)
Email: ____________________________________________ How
did you hear about CPR: ____________________
(our most frequent type of communication is
through email, if email is not available, its difficult to get/stay connected)
Alternative Name/Phone:
(if you change numbers or move, who might be
able to help us locate you to be sure you stay in the loop)
best describes where you are at:
q COURT order - a court order
has previously been established ... order is either fine as written or it needs
to be modified because the court order not being followed or must be changed .... q Temporary Order ONLY q OFP order in place
What are the basics of the
court order:
county is your order/hearings in? _______________________________________________________________
has sole/joint legal custody?
has sole/joint physical custody?
is the court ordered parenting time schedule?
far do you live from your children? why the distance?_______________________________________________
your child support based on your true and accurate income or phantom imputed
income? ___________________
you ever tried to modify your child support? If so, what happened?
issues are most concerning to you: (check all
those that apply, rank in order of importance if possible)
q Custody: legal custody
(medical, school, etc) issues q Order for Protection: need to fight
q Custody: physical custody
--- problems or battling who gets custody q Need an attorney referral
q Visitation/parenting time
problems (not getting to see your children) q Pro Se papers/guidance
q Help for child support
payment problems or arrears problems q Other:
q Help for child support
enforcement issues: drivers license suspensions, contempt, etc
q Have a scheduled hearing
coming up for which urgent support or information is needed
briefly explain your story: (Intake
volunteer is not trained to hear your entire story at this time, but if you can
give us a brief description of your biggest issue we can try forward your case
to the right person to help provide you the best guidance at this time)
REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE SPACE .....DESCRIBE MAIN PROBLEM ..and any important background information
is your specific need today: (What were
you hoping to find through CPR. If we could do 1-3 things to assist you, what
would it be?)
Any special note/observation/suggestion from INTAKE volunteer?