History of Title IV-D
1974 was the beginning of Title IV-D
When? |
What? |
Information |
Pre-19th Century |
The poor laws |
The earliest history of child
support in the |
Pre-1776 |
Child support in the 13 colonies |
"Child support law existed in the thirteen colonies and has existed in the states since the beginning of the nation's history". Gay. |
See below: |
Development of civil law for child support |
See Hansen. |
1808 |
"American courts in the nineteenth century addressed the problem of
dependency among single mothers and their children by creating a legally
enforceable child support duty.... One reason for the divergent fortunes of
men and women after a divorce was that the transformations in the American
conception of children from wage earners to dependents who needed constant
nurturing and the trend toward maternal preference in custody decisions
combined to require divorced women to bear the burden of raising children who
did not work.... American courts in the nineteenth century invented a
parental child support obligation in the context of increasing concerns about
dependency among single mothers.... When single motherhood began to emerge in
nineteenth-century |
1816 |
Van Valkinburgh v. Watson |
1858 |
Tomkins v. Tomkins |
See below: |
Development of criminal law for failing to support children |
See Hansen. |
By 1886 |
(Compilation of statutes) |
By 1886, 11 states had made it a penal offence for a father to abandon or refuse to support his minor children. Typically, it still needed evidence that without this support the children would be a cost to the community. Hansen. |
1884 |
Examples of states taking action because fathers were
criminally responsible for allowing children to become a public charge. The |
1897 |
Bowen v. State |
1903 |
State v. |
1st half of 20th Century |
The court system continued to operate. The number of separated families continued to rise. 46 states had laws criminalising desertion and non-support. |
1935 |
This included Aid for Dependent Children. ADC (later AFDC; F = Families)
established a partnershi |
World War 2 |
2nd half of 20th Century and onwards |
"In most industrialized nations, private child
support payments are not a central way in which the community makes sure that
children are adequately supported. Instead, most industrialized nations have
some kind of child allowances financed by the public or by employers that go
to all families. In |
1948 |
The Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (UEFJA) |
Some limited applicability to child support, and largely replaced by the 1964 version. |
1950 |
Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (URESA) |
This act has been enacted in all 50 States, the |
1950 |
Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 (Public Law 81-734) |
The law required state welfare agencies to notify law
enforcement officials when providing AFDC to a child. (Presumably, local
officials would then undertake to locate nonresident parents and make them
pay child support). |
1952 |
Amendment to URESA 1950 |
1958 |
Amendment to URESA 1950 |
1964 |
The Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (UEFJA) |
Implemented by most states and DC. Some relevance to child support orders. |
1965 |
Social Security Amendments of 1965 (Public Law 89-97) |
Allowed welfare agencies to obtain addresses and employers of obligated parents from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. |
1967 |
Social Security Amendments of 1967 (Public Law 90-248) |
Allowed states access to IRS for addresses of obligated
parents. Each state was required to establish a single child support unit for
AFDC children. |
1968 |
Revision to URESA (RURESA) 1950 |
(Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act). |
1973 |
Uniform Parentage Act 1973 |
Rules for the presumption of parentage, etc. Only adopted by a minority of states. Should be replaced by the 2000 Act. |
1974 - 1975 |
Social Security Amendments of 1974 (Public Law 93-647) (Child Support and Establishment of Paternity Program) |
A response by Congress to reduce public expenditures on welfare by obtaining support from noncustodial parents on an ongoing basis, to help non-AFDC families get support so they could stay off public assistance, and to establish paternity for children born outside marriage so child support could be obtained for them. Mandated that the State plan for child support require States to cooperate with other States in establishing paternity, locating absent parents, and securing compliance with court orders. Created (commencing January 1975) Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, the child support program. The program was designed for cost recovery of state and federal outlays on public assistance and for cost avoidance to help families leave welfare and to help families avoid turning to public assistance. This statute, as amended, authorizes Federal matching funds to be used for enforcing support obligations by locating nonresident parents, establishing paternity, establishing child support awards, and collecting child support payments. This established the basis of the CSES. It required every State to establish a child support enforcement system. States had to establish special agencies for the collection of child support payments due to recipients of AFDC who were required to sign over to the state claims to child support as a condition of eligibility. States were required to offer similar services to non-AFDC cases if requested. |
1976 |
(Public Law 94-566) |
Title V: Miscellaneous Provisions: Requires that upon request of a public agency administering or supervising the administration of a State plan approved under title IV (Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families with Children) of the Social Security Act, shall furnish to such agency making the request, information with respect to unemployment compensation, and refusal by an individual to accept employment. (Required state employment agencies to provide addresses of obligated parents to state child support agencies). |
1977 |
(Public Law 95-30) |
Amended section 454 of the Social Security Act relating to the garnishment of a federal employee’s wages for child support. |
1980 |
Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980 |
Provided state and local child support agencies access to wage information held by the Social Security Administration and state employment agencies for establishing and enforcing child support obligations. |
1981 |
Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35) |
1) IRS was authorized to withhold tax refunds for
delinquent child support; |
1984 |
Child Support Amendments of 1984 (Public Law 98-378) (Mandated guidelines to be used in an advisory capacity). |
Section 3 of the 1984 Child Support Enforcement Amendments
required every State’s child support enforcement agency to establish
procedures for automatically withholding income from the pay and tax refunds
of absentee parents, whenever their child support payments fell into arrears
of over one month, without having to request court intervention. It also
required States to establish procedures imposing: "lines against real
and personal property for the amount of overdue support ... [and] Permitted
states to extend withholding to income other then wages, such as bonuses and
commissions, or dividends." |
1986 |
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-509) |
Required States to treat past due support obligations as
final judgments entitled to full faith and credit in every State. Thus, a
person who has a support order in one State does not
have to obtain a second order in another State to obtain the money due should
the debtor parent move from the issuin |
1987 |
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act 1987 |
(Adopted by a minority of states). Requires that child support be based in part on the financial resources of both parents and in part on the standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage not been dissolved. |
1987 |
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-203) |
Required states to provide services to families with an absent parent who receives Medicaid and have them assign their support rights to the state. |
1988 |
1988 Family Support Act (Public Law 100-485) |
Title I of the 1988 FSA implemented a national Child
Support Enforcement System based upon the uniform application of a
State-developed formula to ensure absent parents were held responsible for
maintaining their children. Section 101 requires every State to implement
various procedures for immediate and mandatory wage-withholding for all
support orders being enforced by the State’s CSEA. |
1990 |
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1990 (Public Law 101-508) |
Permanently extended the federal provision that allows states to ask the Internal Revenue Service to deduct child support arrears of at least US$500 from tax refunds to non-custodial parents. |
1992 |
Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-521) |
Imposed a Federal criminal penalty for the willful failure to pay a past due child support obligation to a child who resides in another State and that has remained unpaid for longer than a year or is greater than $5,000. For the first conviction, the penalty is a fine of up to $5,000, imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both; for a second conviction, the penalty is a fine of not more than $250,000, imprisonment for up to 2 years, or both. |
1992 |
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) |
It is designed to deal with desertion and nonsupport by
instituting uniform laws in all 50 States and the |
1993 |
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-66) |
Required states to establish paternity on 75 percent of
the children in their caseload instead of 50 percent. States had to adopt
civil procedures for voluntary acknowledgement of paternity. |
1994 |
Bankruptcy Reform Act 1994 (Public Law 103-394) |
Protected child support from being discharged in bankruptcy. It also provided protection against trustee avoidance, facilitates access to bankruptcy proceedings, and assigns child support a priority for collecting claims from debtors. |
1994 |
Full Faith and Credit for Child Support Orders Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-383) |
This is binding in all the states and supercedes any inconsistent provisions of state law. It restricts a State court's ability to modify a child support order issued by another State unless the child and the custodial parent have moved to the State where the modification is sought or have agreed to the modification. |
1994 |
Work and Responsibility Act of 1994 |
Included assisting states with child support enforcement. |
1994 |
Small Business Administration Amendments of 1994 (Public Law 103-403) |
Renders delinquent child support payers ineligible for small business loans. |
1994 |
Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 (Public Law 103-432) |
Requires states to periodically report debtor parents to consumer reporting agencies. |
1996 |
(Welfare reform law) |
Under the new law, each State must operate a CSE Program
meeting Federal requirements in order to be eligible for TANF funds (which
replaced AFDC). This law made about 50 changes to the CSE Program, many of
them major. These changes included requiring States to increase the
percentage of fathers identified, establishing an integrated, automated
network linking all States to information about the location and assets of
parents, requiring States to implement more enforcement techniques, and
revising the rules governing the distribution of past due (arrearage) child
support payments to former recipients of public assistance. |
Hansen: "The American
invention of child support: dependency and punishment in early American child
support law".
Drew D. Hansen. Yale Law Journal, March 1999.
Morgan: Child Support Guidelines:
Interpretation and Application
Laura W. Morgan
Ways & Means: The
Book, "Child Support Enforcement Program"
Child Support
Federal Legislative History
Appendix 7 Child Support Federal Legislative History ESA Program Briefing
Book 2001 A7-1.
Child Support Federal Legislative History 1998 Public Law 105-200,
The Child Support Incentive Act of 1998.
GAO: Child Support - an uncertain
income supplement for families leaving welfare (US)
GAO/HEHS-98-168 Child Support and Time-Limited Welfare, August 1998
United States General Accounting Office
Gay: A Return to Welfare
As We Knew It? The beginning of the end of child support reform
Roger F. Gay. Men's News Daily, March 21, 2002.