Center for Parental
P.O. Box 130776 Roseville, MN 55113 VM
Website: cpr-mn.org Email: info@cpr-mn.org
CONTACT: Molly K. Olson
Volunteer Executive Director
651/490-5060 (Direct Phone - Office)
Stop Welfare for the Affluent
Roseville, Minn. – Concerned taxpayers and citizen activists from the
Center for Parental Responsibility (CPR) are requesting the Minnesota House
Health and Human Services Policy committee to take HF1031 off the table for
further discussion. This nonpartisan bill, introduced last session, would
modify the IV-D welfare program by requiring eligibility standards when
currently none exist in state law. Legislators in both parties have shown
support for the bill.
In 1974 Congress passed
Public Law 93-647, the Child Support Enforcement Act, creating Title IV-D to
complement Title IV-A of the Social Security Act (SSA). Congress enacted Title
IV-D as a cooperative federal/state partnership for the cost recovery of Title
IV-A payments to reduce and prevent the swelling costs of cash payments
channeled through Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) – now called Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). The goal of the IV-D program is to reduce
taxpayer expense.
The IV-D program was intended
to be a needs-based program, using tax dollars for citizens: 1) on public
assistance, or 2) at risk of being on public assistance, if recipients did not
receive their child support payments. In Minnesota, the IV-D program has grown beyond the congressional
intent, and exceeds it’s scope and purpose, by providing the full spectrum of
services to all applicants. These services include a free county attorney, a
free case manager, free billing and account receivable services, free case-related
postage, free database services to track everything in the case, and much more.
Because the program has no limitations based on need, the program necessitates excessive
manpower and government resources, resulting in an unnecessary burden to the Minnesota taxpayers. CPR refers to the expansion of services to
private cases as an unauthorized overreach of authority.
In Minnesota, the federal IV-D program is supervised by the state
and administered by the county. There is an abundance of federal reports, that
indicate the states are allowed and expected to use prudent discretion. While
the federal government reimburses the state for certain efforts to implement
these welfare services, the state and county taxpayers are paying the remaining
34% of the costs. CPR alleges the final cost to Minnesota taxpayers may exceed $139 million a year, when all
known and hidden costs are considered. There may be as many as 189,000
unqualified applicants currently receiving services.
After 7 years of research, CPR
drafted this bill to bring the IV-D program practices into compliance with
federal intent, which is to reduce taxpayer expense and preserve the services
for the needy. This bill would also help reduce the state and county budget
problems. Currently anyone in Minnesota who applies for these IV-D welfare services is
allowed into the program, regardless of their income or financial need. The
application process requires no verification that any problem exists that would
warrant government intervention to provide public aid. All applicants are
provided up to 100 different unlimited IV-D welfare services at no charge, for
more than 20 years, all at the taxpayer’s expense. Legislators voted last
session to charge applicants for these services. CPR believes the 1-2% fee to
be implemented this summer will not provide adequate reimbursements for the
services. The fee is merely a token contribution, often requiring less than $5
a month for county attorney fees, even if the applicant makes $100,000 or more
a year. CPR contends those with the financial means can acquire the services
privately without government assistance. The fees do not address the problem of
public spending on what should be private family matters.
All taxpayers, including the
working poor, are paying federal and local tax dollars to help provide these
IV-D welfare services to the financially secure and affluent. In a sense, we
are currently taking from the poor to provide more to the rich. All counties
require excessive tax levies to pay for the IV-D program each year. Hennepin County required a tax levy of $5 million in 2002 to provide
these services. In 2003, Ramsey County required a tax levy of $4 million from property tax
owners in order to provide these services to the non-needy. A parent living in
a $2 million home, making $200,000 a year would qualify for IV-D welfare
services. Music icon Michael Jackson, a custodial parent, would qualify for
IV-D welfare services in Minnesota,
if he was a resident and filled out an application and paid a one-time fee of
$25. Few citizens realize this is one reason property taxes are so high in Minnesota.
On April 2, 2003, at a public hearing for HF 1031, the Department of
Human Services (DHS) claimed this bill would violate federal law. CPR claims
the DHS mislead the committee to believe the state would lose $350 million by
implementing eligibility standards for IV-D welfare. The House Health and Human
Services Policy Committee tabled the bill, due to the unsubstantiated threat of
losing money.
CPR has provided evidence
that this threat was unfounded and is requesting the bill be heard again this
session. The DHS wants to preserve the current application of the program at
all costs. CPR believes what is good for the DHS empire is not good for the
taxpayers, families, and citizens of Minnesota. CPR seeks to clarify the distinction between private
and public cases, believing the DHS has no compelling state interest in private
cases where there is no need. It is widely held that the state must re-evaluate
our erroneously imbedded paradigms, many of which originated and persist at the
DHS, where there has been a long-standing agenda to grow the bureaucracy.
The CPR research team has
completed extensive research of federal law, applicable case law, congressional
records, legislative history, and the Social Security Act, to arrive at the
merits of HF1031. The group is asking the legislature to require a full
investigation and disclosure of the facts. It is in the best interest of the
citizens of the state to hold a public hearing to thoroughly debate the
questions of fact and law, so the greater weight of the evidence can prevail to
determine the proper outcome.
All government agencies are
being asked to review their programs and share the burden of financial
reductions. Clarifying eligibility standards for the IV-D welfare program is
the fiscally responsible thing to do. In order to secure the public trust, Lead
Advocate and Spokesperson, Molly K. Olson, acting as Volunteer Executive
Director of CPR, stated “citizens expect our elected officials to be
responsible and consider every factor and leave no stone unturned as we address
the problems and possible solutions to our budget deficit, in a way that will protect
services for the poor, needy and vulnerable.”
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