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How to tell a fake Chanel Designer Handbag from the Authentic one How to tell the authenticity of a Chanel Handbag? First we must be realistic, if you get a Chanel for a fraction of the cost, then most likely it is a fake/duplicate Chanel. Similar to Louis Vuitton (LV) handbags and other designer handbags, Chanel does not discount their products. Chanel made most of their products in Italy instead of France and they have such a strict product quality requirement that any product made has to go through ncaa shirts a close detail examination and for those with defects, they will be shredded immediately to prevent anyone from selling these products at a lower cost and damage the quality or reputation of the name "Chanel". Now you see that behind the name of Chanel, you will ensure quality, uniqueness, luxurious and good lifestyle and that s why so many people want to own a Chanel even when it is so pricy. Also, be careful that Chanel products are sold only through a network of CHANEL Boutiques and very selected high end retailers. This is simply because like any high end designer handbags merchandise, they sell them at boutiques at top $$$$ and so there is no way they would want to complete themselves and low grade themselves by selling to websites at a fraction of the prices. This just won t happen. Any website that claims they buy overstock, discontinued or 2nd/damaged, is misleading the buyers, STAY AWAY FROM IT!!! Here are a few important distinctions of a Chanel handbag; 1) Chanel uses High Quality Calfskin on their Cambon line, and not Lambskin. Cambon handbags are made in Italy and not in France. Fighting Irish 1 Louis Nix III Navy Blue Stitched NCAA Jersey The new COCO CABAS are also made in Italy and not France. 2) Serial numbers on Chanel bags do not mean anything as they can be fake. Currently, counterfeits are also come with a serial number card and matching inside the bag. As of today there is only one real tag style Chanel uses, the Sun Devils 90 Will Sutton Black Stitched NCAA Jersey black and gold (Black with Gold Trim and lettering) and not laminated in plastic and the hologram inside can be pulled apart if removed. Now Tips for buying Chanel at Ebay or other websites that claims to sell authentic Chanel: 1) On Ebay, if the seller has only 1 day listing, avoid it as the seller is trying to by pass the Eaby Verification and detection of fake/counterfeit listing. 2) As for any other designer brands, you got to know your potential buy, ie, is it smooth calfskin or the Chanel caviar leather, know the lining on the design. The more you know and research, the lower the risk of you being ripped off. 3) Check the refund policy of the seller. If the seller offer you a full refund if you can provide them with written proof of counterfeit, as you know, like most expensive designer brands, Chanel never offer written proof for anyone even if you pay them, so in that case, you will never get your refund from the seller. 4) Chanel does not have the dog tag or small coin purse except for a few models such as COCO CABA bag that comes with a matching make up pouch. 5) When buying a handbag from a website, make sure you use your credit card as most credit cards come with buyers protection plan that will assist you to get your refund if you are being deceived or if you did not get your item at all. All you need to do is to file a fraud claim with them. Selling counterfeit is a serious crime and the consequence is serious, I don t think anyone will try to mess with it but refund your money quickly to avoid trouble. 6) Finally, before you make your purchase, ask the seller a lots of questions such as the source of the bag, the description of the bag and what protection will you get if you find that the bag is not as described. |