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How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Designer Bags Nevertheless, it is useful to know how to spot a fake LV bag as there are lots of people offering what they are claim are genuine Louis Vuitton bags for sale via the Internet. So, how do you spot a fake Louis Vuitton handbag ? If you are looking for a genuine Louis Vuitton bag then there are certain signs you can look out for, but to be quite honest , even armed with the tips below,it is still very difficult. If the seller has a lot of bags on offer you should steer clear. Vuitton only makes limited numbers of its bags available specifically to avoid them being re sold. So anyone who has large quantities of LV bags on offer should be considered with a certain degree of suspicion. Take a good look at the official Eluxury website and get to know the genuine articles, knowledge is power as they say. Some so called LV bags were in fact never produced by Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton do not use plastic or bubble wrap to wrap their bags. If the price is ridiculously low then it is very unlikely to be a genuine bag. Louis Vuitton handbags are expensive for a reason, they take a long time to make. Louis Vuitton leather goods are manufactured in Spain, France, or the USA, where craftsmen pay attention to every detail and use only the finest materials. Check the quality of the craftsmanship LV bags are extremely well made and should look as if they are. Look out for creases, wrinkles, logos that are not symmetrical, seams that are obviously poor quality. The Certificate of Authenticity there should be one, fake certificates also exist of course, Buckeyes 27 Eddie George Grey Stitched NCAA Jersey but no certificate is a bad sign. Circular tags made from cheap looking plastic attached to the bag were never made by Louis Vuitton, LV do not attach their tags. When you buy a bag from LV you get two tags and possibly a care booklet. One tag says "Louis Vuitton" and will state shop ncaa sports the material of the bag monogram canvas, epi etc. The other tag shows the model number, the French name of the bag and the barcode. LV dustbags just have the LV or Louis Vuitton logo Interiors made of cheap plastic, or cheap suede. The patterns are always lined up correctly (think wallpaper patterns) Louis Vuitton never ever have sales or discounts or wholesale prices. These are some of the signs you can look out for, but, as I said, it is very difficult to know for sure, especially if you are buying online. The Louis Vuitton website Louis Vuitton state that LV products are only available at Louis Vuitton stores or from their offical websites. I hope this Seminoles 80 Rashad Greene White Stitched NCAA Jersey information was of use if you are interested in up and coming new designer bags please check out my hubpage on Radley Bags Designer Bags LinksMulberry Handbags he Mulberry handbag company was created by Roger Saul and his mother in 1971. The reason for this is quite simple, they were the first designer bags ever made. Louis Vuitton was was born in Anchay, France on August 4, 1821. When he was 14 he left his home town for Paris where he started work as a trunk maker and luggage packer, working in the prominent Parisian households. His reputation grew to such an extent that he was eventually appointed by the Emperor of France, Napoleon III, as official luggage packer for the Empress Eugenie. |